I am trying to install apache2 with PHP support on Linux created with the Yocto Project. Unfortunately there is only the PHP recipe and no extra package for the webserver. I figured out there are different ways to include PHP. The "module-way" should be the easiest one I guess.
According to this question (I have not enough reputations to comment) I have to change the php.inc
Bitbake worked fine and I build my image successfully. But how can I "activate" these module? What files should I edit in which way since there is no PHP support out of the box.
has apache2 as configuration; to enable, simply add this to your local.conf
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-php = " apache2 "
PACKAGECONFIG ??= "mysql sqlite3 imap \ ${@bb.utils.filter('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ipv6 pam', d)} \ " PACKAGECONFIG_class-native = "" PACKAGECONFIG[mysql] = "--with-mysql=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${prefix} \ --with-mysqli=${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/mysql_config \ --with-pdo-mysql=${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/mysql_config \ ,--without-mysql --without-mysqli --without-pdo-mysql \ ,mysql5" PACKAGECONFIG[sqlite3] = "--with-sqlite3=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. \ --with-pdo-sqlite=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. \ , \ ,sqlite3" PACKAGECONFIG[pgsql] = "--with-pgsql=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${exec_prefix},--without-pgsql,postgresql" PACKAGECONFIG[soap] = "--enable-libxml --enable-soap, --disable-soap, libxml2" PACKAGECONFIG[apache2] = "--with-apxs2=${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/apxs,,apache2-native apache2" PACKAGECONFIG[pam] = ",,libpam" PACKAGECONFIG[imap] = "--with-imap=${STAGING_DIR_HOST} \ --with-imap-ssl=${STAGING_DIR_HOST} \ ,--without-imap --without-imap-ssl \ ,uw-imap" PACKAGECONFIG[ipv6] = "--enable-ipv6,--disable-ipv6,"