We're curious to hear opinions about and experiences with Chartbeat, Clicky, Mixpanel, and Google Analytics.
Do people deploy Google and one of these other real-time systems? Or is the real-time system sufficient to displace Google?
Of the real-time systems, which do you use and why?
I don't really have an opinion about Charbeat, Clicky or Mixpanel specifically, but I have lots of experience in other web analytics toos, such as Web Trends, Yahoo Web Analytics, Omniture Site Catalyst, and Google Analytics...
In my experience, real-time reporting is mostly useful for implementation and ongoing QA of the tracking code. It really depends on the nature of your site but I have yet to see any client that needed real-time reporting. 24 hour delay is more than acceptable, as most clients I have worked with report or expect reports on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.. basis.
IOW it's more useful for your coders but rarely useful for your reporters. If your website and implementation is solid and not likely to change a whole lot, there is very little value in real-time reporting.