Is the UserData part stored anywhere on a Windows EC2 machine? I need to examine it to see that input variables are correct.
On Ubuntu, it's supposed to be stored at /var/lib/cloud/instances/[instance-id]/user-data.txt
according to this link.
The user data section in CloudFormation looks like this:
"UserData" : {
"Fn::Base64" : {
"Fn::Join" : [
"seedtool.exe ", { "Fn::GetAtt" : [ "DatabaseCluster" , "Endpoint.Address" ] }, "\n",
I need to see the user-data.txt so I can see what { "Fn::GetAtt" : [ "DatabaseCluster" , "Endpoint.Address" ] }
resolves to.
User Data can be fetched from instance metadata, e.g. with Invoke-RestMethod -uri
, for more details see