I want to implement the consumer/producer pattern using the BufferBlock that runs continuously similar to the question here and the code here.
I tried to use an ActionBlock like the OP, but if the bufferblock is full and new messages are in it's queue then the new messages never get added to the ConcurrentDictionary _queue.
In the code below the ConsumeAsync method never gets called when a new message is added to the bufferblock with this call:_messageBufferBlock.SendAsync(message)
How can I correct the code below so that the ConsumeAsync method is called every time a new message is added using _messageBufferBlock.SendAsync(message)
public class PriorityMessageQueue
private volatile ConcurrentDictionary<int,MyMessage> _queue = new ConcurrentDictionary<int,MyMessage>();
private volatile BufferBlock<MyMessage> _messageBufferBlock;
private readonly Task<bool> _initializingTask; // not used but allows for calling async method from constructor
private int _dictionaryKey;
public PriorityMessageQueue()
_initializingTask = Init();
public async Task<bool> EnqueueAsync(MyMessage message)
return await _messageBufferBlock.SendAsync(message);
private async Task<bool> ConsumeAsync()
// This code does not fire when a new message is added to the buffereblock
while (await _messageBufferBlock.OutputAvailableAsync())
// A message object is never received from the bufferblock
var message = await _messageBufferBlock.ReceiveAsync();
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
private async Task<bool> Init()
var executionDataflowBlockOptions = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount,
BoundedCapacity = 50
var prioritizeMessageBlock = new ActionBlock<MyMessage>(msg =>
}, executionDataflowBlockOptions);
_messageBufferBlock = new BufferBlock<MyMessage>();
_messageBufferBlock.LinkTo(prioritizeMessageBlock, new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true, MaxMessages = 50});
return await ConsumeAsync();
EDIT I have removed all the extra code and added comments.
I'm still not completely certain what you're trying to accomplish but I'll try to point you in the right direction. Most of the code in the example isn't strictly necessary.
I need to know when a new message arrives
If this is your only requirement then I'll assume you just need to run some arbitrary code whenever a new message is passed in. The easiest way to do that in dataflow is to use a TransformBlock
and set that block as the initial receiver in your pipeline. Each block has it's own buffer so unless you have need for another buffer you can leave it out.
public class PriorityMessageQueue {
private TransformBlock<MyMessage, MyMessage> _messageReciever;
public PriorityMessageQueue() {
var executionDataflowBlockOptions = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions {
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount,
BoundedCapacity = 50
var prioritizeMessageBlock = new ActionBlock<MyMessage>(msg => {
}, executionDataflowBlockOptions);
_messageReciever = new TransformBlock<MyMessage, MyMessage>(msg => NewMessageRecieved(msg), executionDataflowBlockOptions);
_messageReciever.LinkTo(prioritizeMessageBlock, new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true });
public async Task<bool> EnqueueAsync(MyMessage message) {
return await _messageReciever.SendAsync(message);
private MyMessage NewMessageRecieved(MyMessage message) {
//do something when a new message arrives
//pass the message along in the pipeline
return message;
private void SetMessagePriority(MyMessage message) {
//Handle a message
Of course the other option you have would be to do whatever it is you need to immediately within EnqueAsync
before returning the task from SendAsync
but the TransformBlock
gives you extra flexibility.