I have created WinSCP batch file for deleting files on remote server. It's working fine, but it's not working with folder with spaces.
For example, the below batch file is working:
cd C:\Program Files\WinSCP
winscp.com /command ^
"open sftp://user:pwd@host" ^
"cd /home/test/Desktop/india" ^
"rm int.txt" ^
but the below batch file is not working
cd C:\Program Files\WinSCP
winscp.com /command ^
"open sftp://user:pwd@host" ^
"cd /home/test/Desktop/india & nepal" ^
"rm int.txt" ^
I am not able to delete india & nepal
folder file because of space
Can any one give a solution?
The path with spaces need to be wrapped to double double-quotes:
"cd ""/home/test/Desktop/india & nepal""" ^
See also Why are some WinSCP scripting commands specified in a batch file not executed/failing?