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How to start Owasp zap server(exe or jar) from jenkins

Actually, the main issue is if I start the server then my next commond will never trigger as it always running as zap server in listening mode. Can I run two command line in Jenkins. I have added 2 "Execute Windows batch command" still nothing works. I have added the image in same thread

I have tried by creating a batch file

cd /
cd C:\Program Files\OWASP\Zed Attack Proxy
start java -jar zap-2.6.0.jar

I am getting error as below after using above batch file

Process leaked file descriptors. See for more information

I have also use command line arugument directly in "Execute window batch command" like:-

java -jar zap-2.6.0.jar

But the UI of zap is not starting

I have also tried "Windows Exe Runner Plugin"

But jenkins not allowing me to put an exe name in configuration. Looks like a bug of jenkins.

I have also tried by adding zap in environmental variable but that also not working.

Now I am out of idea.

The issue is if I am triggering zap.bat it will do not allow another command to run forward as below which is in my batch:-

enter image description here

Additionally, UI of zap is not open as it is open after direct clicking on zap.bat file

I have added 2 "Execute Windows batch command" still nothing works

enter image description here

Any suggestions will be welcome


  • I have resolve this issue by creating two jobs in jenkins. The main job trigger the first job.

    Follow the steps :-

    1. Go to the configure section of main job

    2. Now add "Trigger/call builds on other projects" from Build option

    3. Add the project name of zombie job

    Note :- uncheck the checkbox of "Block until the triggered projects finish their builds".