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Qt - How to override a widget?

I've created a form using the Qt designer which includes a QToolButton.
I can turn it using ui->favouriteToolButton.
I used the designer because it's much more simple then code all the gui.

Problem is that specifically for this ToolButton i want to code by creating its own class:

class FavouriteMenu : public QToolButton

    explicit FavouriteMenu(QWidget *parent = 0);

    QMenu *menu;                                        //MENU
    QAction *addToBookmarkAct;
    QAction *editBookmarkAct;


I want to be able to override ui->favouriteToolButton with a new instance of FavouriteMenu. How can i do it?


    • Right click on the button in designer and select "Promote To..."
    • Under Promoted class name enter "FavouriteMenu"
    • Under Header File enter the filename of the .h file
    • Click "Add"
    • Click "Promote"