I'm trying to follow the steps listed at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/en/connector-j-master-slave-replication-connection.html which states
To enable this functionality, use the com.mysql.jdbc.ReplicationDriver class when configuring your application server's connection pool
From https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP - it says
HikariCP will attempt to resolve a driver through the DriverManager based solely on the jdbcUrl
So is this configuration all thats needed?
db.default.url=jdbc:mysql:replication ...
Squeryl has has a number of db Adapters; but my understanding is these are unrelated? http://squeryl.org/api/index.html#org.squeryl.adapters.MySQLInnoDBAdapter
Sorry for the key word loading - I'm just not too sure where I need to focus
Thanks Brent
And I find myself back here - please note, hikari doesn't support the Replication driver.
MySQL Replication Driver simply does NOT work together with HikariCP.
... nobody running anything resembling a mission critical application takes MySQL's driver-level replication support seriously.