I have a type to represent haskell types:
data Type
= TApp Type Type
| TVar Name
| TLit Name
infixl 8 `TApp`
-- a -> b
aToB = TLit "Fun" `TApp` TVar "a" `TApp` TVar "b"
-- Maybe (IO Int)
maybeIOInt = TLit "Maybe" `TApp` (TLit "IO" `TApp` TLit "Int")
I want to print it as haskell does, namely, literals that are symbols are printed infix while other literal are printed prefix. also parenthesis should be added when necessary:
show aToB = "a -> b"
show maybeIOInt = "Maybe (IO Int)"
show ast = ???
How can I implement this?
The usual way to do this is thread through a precedence variable to your printing function. Also, you almost always should prefer a pretty printing library instead of just using raw strings (both for performance reasons, and ease). GHC ships with pretty
and I also recommend the newer prettyprinter
Using the former (and assuming type Name = String
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
prettyType :: Type -> Doc
prettyType = go 0
go :: Int -> Type -> Doc
go _ (TVar x) = text x
go _ (TLit n) = text n
go n (TLit "Fun" `TApp` l `TApp` r) = maybeParens (n > 0) (go 1 l <+> text "->" <+> go 0 r)
go n (l `TApp` r) = maybeParens (n > 1) (go 1 l <+> go 2 r)