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Saving class data containing pyqt objects

I'm building a PyQt app and I'm quite beginner with python. Let's say I store an obj item in a defined class:

class Item (self):
    def __init__(self, item_nbr, crop_pixmap, originepoint, designation):
        self.item_nbr = item_nbr            # integer
        self.crop_pixmap = crop_pixmap      # QPixmap
        self.origin_point = originpoint     # QPoint
        self.designation = designation      # str

Then I work through a GUI perform other operation and create a list of Items. How can I save this list so that I can open it later ? pickle does not work with QPixmap and I'd like to save a single.


  • You can use QSettings to save all your application data. It will automatically convert data types like QPixmap, QPoint, QColor, etc. By default, the settings are saved in a platform-independant way, but you can also save to a custom location if you want.

    Here is how you could read/write your Item class:

    def settings(self):
        # use a custom location
        return QtCore.QSettings('app.conf', QtCore.QSettings.IniFormat)
    def readSettings(self):
        self.items = []
        settings = self.settings()
        for index in range(settings.beginReadArray('items')):
                settings.value('number', -1, int),
                settings.value('pixmap', None, QtGui.QPixmap),
                settings.value('point', None, QtCore.QPoint),
                settings.value('designation', '', str),
    def writeSettings(self):
        settings = self.settings()
        for index, item in enumerate(self.items):
            settings.setValue('number', item.item_nbr)
            settings.setValue('pixmap', item.crop_pixmap)
            settings.setValue('point', item.origin_point)
            settings.setValue('designation', item.designation)

    The PyQt version of QSettings.value() allows you to specify both a default value and the expected type of the value.