I want to omit NAs
in the output of knitr::kable
output same as the xtable
do (See kable
and xtable
outputs below).
fm12anova <-
structure(list(SOV = c("Days", "Residuals"), Df2 = c(1L, 178L
), Sum.Sq2 = c(162702.651909532, 405251.617480465), Mean.Sq2 = c(162702.651909532,
2276.69448022733), F.value2 = c(71.4644205986244, NA), Pr..F.2 = c(9.89409632221545e-15,
NA), Sum.Sq1 = c(30031.0139578738, NA), Mean.Sq1 = c(30031.0139578738,
NA), NumDF1 = c(1L, NA), DenDF1 = c(17.0000010028433, NA), F.value1 = c(45.8530037127448,
NA), Pr..F.1 = c(3.26378804516025e-06, NA)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
-2L), .Names = c("SOV", "Df2", "Sum.Sq2", "Mean.Sq2", "F.value2",
"Pr..F.2", "Sum.Sq1", "Mean.Sq1", "NumDF1", "DenDF1", "F.value1",
|SOV | Df2| Sum.Sq2| Mean.Sq2| F.value2| Pr..F.2| Sum.Sq1| Mean.Sq1| NumDF1| DenDF1| F.value1| Pr..F.1|
|Days | 1| 162702.7| 162702.652| 71.46442| 0| 30031.01| 30031.01| 1| 17| 45.853| 3.3e-06|
|Residuals | 178| 405251.6| 2276.694| NA| NA| NA| NA| NA| NA| NA| NA|
% latex table generated in R 3.4.1 by xtable 1.8-2 package
% Sun Sep 10 16:46:42 2017
& SOV & Df2 & Sum.Sq2 & Mean.Sq2 & F.value2 & Pr..F.2 & Sum.Sq1 & Mean.Sq1 & NumDF1 & DenDF1 & F.value1 & Pr..F.1 \\
1 & Days & 1 & 162702.65 & 162702.65 & 71.46 & 0.00 & 30031.01 & 30031.01 & 1 & 17.00 & 45.85 & 0.00 \\
2 & Residuals & 178 & 405251.62 & 2276.69 & & & & & & & & \\
Check out answer from svannoy on Hiding NA's when printing a dataframe in knitr
```{r echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
options(knitr.kable.NA = '')
knitr::kable(lowerTri, digits=2)
(Tried to mark as possible dupe, but I'm an SO noob.)