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Idris - Define a primes type

I am learning Idris and as a personal exercise, I would like to implement a Primes type, consisting of all the prime numbers.

Is there a way in idris to define a new type starting from a type and a property, which will select all the elements of the starting type for which the property holds true? In my case, is there a way to define Primes as the set of Nat such that n <= p and n|p => n=1 or n=p?

If this is not possible, should I define prime numbers constructing them inductively using some kind of sieve?


  • I like copumpkin's Agda definition of Prime, which looks like this in Idris:

    data Divides : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
      MkDivides : (q : Nat) ->
                  n = q * S m ->
                  Divides (S m) n
    data Prime : Nat -> Type where
      MkPrime : GT p 1 ->
                ((d : Nat) -> Divides d p -> Either (d = 1) (d = p))
                -> Prime p

    Read as "if p is divisible by d, then d must be 1 or p" - a common definition for primality.

    Proving this by hand for a number can be pretty tedious:

    p2' : (d : Nat) -> Divides d 2 -> Either (d = 1) (d = 2)
    p2' Z (MkDivides _ _) impossible
    p2' (S Z) (MkDivides Z Refl) impossible
    p2' (S Z) (MkDivides (S Z) Refl) impossible
    p2' (S Z) (MkDivides (S (S Z)) Refl) = Left Refl
    p2' (S Z) (MkDivides (S (S (S _))) Refl) impossible
    p2' (S (S Z)) (MkDivides Z Refl) impossible
    p2' (S (S Z)) (MkDivides (S Z) Refl) = Right Refl
    p2' (S (S Z)) (MkDivides (S (S _)) Refl) impossible
    p2' (S (S (S _))) (MkDivides Z Refl) impossible
    p2' (S (S (S _))) (MkDivides (S _) Refl) impossible
    p2 : Prime 2
    p2 = MkPrime (LTESucc (LTESucc LTEZero)) p2'

    It's also very involved to write a decision procedure for this. That'll be a big exercise! You'll probably find the rest of the definitions useful for that: