I'm attempting to do a T-Test across many different columns at once, but can't figure out how to do it. Here is what I have for one of the columns, Clout
t.test(wf[wf$ThreadID == 249001,]$Clout,wf[wf$ThreadID == 230005,]$Clout)
But I have about 20 other columns, e.g. Authentic
, Tone
How can I run this test across all columns?
Try the following.
n <- ncol(wf)
inx1 <- which(wf$ThreadID == 249001)
inx2 <- which(wf$ThreadID == 230005)
ttest_list <- lapply(seq_len(n), function(j) t.test(wf[inx1, j], wf[inx2, j]))
Note: How can you be sure that there are as many elements such that wf$ThreadID == 249001
and wf$ThreadID == 230005