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Foundation - Showing Conditional Form Items

I'm a bit new to Foundation, working on doing a responsive redesign for an existing application form. Several of the questions in this form are of the type where you answer a fairly general question, then depending on your selection, you might need to enter more information. Here's a very basic example:

<fieldset class="row columns">
    <legend>Do you like ice cream?</legend>
    <label><input type="radio" name="icecream" value="Yes">Yes</label>
    <label><input type="radio" name="icecream" value="No">No</label>

<div id="flavor" class="row columns hide">
  <label>What flavor?
    <input type="text" name="flavor">

What I need to do is only show the #flavor div if the user selects the Yes option, and hide it by default or if the user selects No. I can accomplish this easily with some added jQuery, but I feel like I'm missing a native way to handle this in Foundation. I've tried using Toggler, but it toggles the state instead of letting me specify the state of #flavor for each radio input. I've tried Reveal, but it seems designed only for modals.

I've searched the docs, but can't seem to find any other built-in methods for showing/hiding elements dynamically. Am I missing something?

I've set this up in CodePen if it helps. It has the jQuery method for making it function to demonstrate what I'm trying to get at.


  • There is no builtin within Foundation that does exactly what you're looking for here - your jQuery solution seems reasonable, though I'd trigger it based on a change rather than a click to handle other ways of triggering besides click (ie if someone selects using keyboard navigation).

    There is a toggle-focus mechanism within Foundation for toggling when e.g. an input is focused, but no toggle-selected. This seems like a pretty reasonable request, if you want to file an issue around it on the Foundation github repo I suspect someone would build it. Or if you were excited to build it yourself, you could submit a pull request with the implementation and we'd work with you to get it in. If you want to go down this road, take a look at how the toggle-focus works here: