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Does the middleware of mongoose also refer to the middleware of express?

I'm just trying to get a grasp of what middleware refers too. At first I thought it was functions used in the framework express. Although now I'm getting a sense that they simply just refer to functions that get in the middle between asynchronous functions.

I know it's common to see next() get used to move from one middleware to the next. Both express and mongoose have the next() call with similar names. I'm concerned as I don't see mongoose or express refer to each other in their documentation. So this leaves me to believe the context of their middleware is just for themselves.

When combining express with mongoose are all the middlewares lined up together/concatenated or is it separate?

e.g. together/concatenated
- calling next() on mongoose will also trigger expresses middleware function

e.g. Separate
- mongoose just has it's middleware next() just move for pre/post hooks
- express also just has it's middleware next() just move towards it's supported middleware functions


  • Short answer: they're separate.

    Longer answer: By convention, most middleware stacks implement some kind of next function to call in order to proceed down the stack and call each middleware function in turn.

    It's a matter of scope. Express and Mongoose both have their own independent middleware stacks, so what the next function does depends on where it gets called. As a general rule of thumb, every function-- including the anonymous functions used for callbacks that accept a next parameter-- have their own scope.

    Consider the following really brief example of differently scoped, but otherwise identical parameter names:

    function doSomething(arg) {
        function doSomethingElse(arg) {
    // Outputs
    // > 'original'
    // > 'different

    Even though doSomething and doSomethingElse both have a parameter called arg, the value logged to the console by doSomethingElse is the value actually passed to that function-- the value of arg as scoped to the function it was called in, not the scope surrounding it.

    This is true for Mongoose middleware applied within Express middleware (or vice-versa): they just happen to share a similar, conventional parameter name.

    As a learning experiment, you should deviate from conventions for a moment (but not forever; conventions exist for a reason!) to name your Express and your Mongoose next parameters something else in a single file-- expressNext and mongooseNext, perhaps-- to help differentiate them in your mind.