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Haskell Recursion Schemes: Label the tree with intermediate results

Using cata I can fold an AST to a result. With Cofree I can store additional annotations on the AST. How can I take an AST and return an annotated AST with the results at each step of the way?

alg :: Term Result -> Result
alg = undefined

run :: Fix Term -> Result
run ast = cata alg ast

run' :: Fix Term -> Cofree Term Result
run' = ???


  • Does this modified algebra work?

    alg' :: Term (Cofree Term Result) -> Cofree Term Result
    alg' t = alg (fmap extract t) :< t  
    run' :: Fix Term -> Cofree Term Result
    run' ast = cata alg' ast

    extract is from Control.Comonad. We are using it here with type Cofree Term Result -> Result. It simply returns the annotation at the root.

    fmap extract :: Term (Cofree Term Result) -> Term Result lets us reuse our previous alg definition.