I have a small framework with Client/Server Architecture I use this Tools in my Business Layer:
DI = SimpleInjector
DynamicProxy For Interception = Castle.Core
now i need to validate some validations! for example look at this method:
public void DeleteFakeItem (Guid userId, Guid fakeItemId)
userAccountService.IsAuthorized(userId, FeatureIndex.DeleteFakeItem);
if (fakeItemId == Guid.EmptyGuid || userId == Guid.EmptyGuid)
throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters are not correct!");
if (!repo.IsFakeItemIsDeletable(fakeItemId))
throw new Exception("you can not delete this item!");
var fakeItem = repo.GetFakeItem(fakeItemId);
if (fakeItem == null)
throw new Exception("this fakeItem dose not exists!");
but, i have a lot of methods, my methods are very different to each other, so where is the solution? because i can not create a good abstraction for my methods.
how can i implement a cross cutting feature to validate my parameters?
i think i can do it using interceptor and attributes, for example an attribute like [Validate(ValidateEnum.NotNull)]
for each parameter.
what is the correct way?
and second question for my entities: can i get the fluent API validation Rules to validate entities based on them using reflection with a interceptor?
for example i wanna get rules, if there is a IsRequired()
rule, validate as not null.
i don't wanna use decorator pattern because it's makes me refactoring a lot;
I just solve my problem with combine reflection with generic interfaces, so the only thing I need is to implement the generic interface for every entity.
I have an interceptor that intercepts all methods. and its works for me. but can anyone give me some information about the performance? is it a correct way to do validation? interceptor:
public class ValidatorInterceptor : IInterceptor
private readonly IServiceFactory factory;
public ValidatorInterceptor(IServiceFactory _factory)
factory = _factory;
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
var methodParameterSet = invocation.InvocationTarget.GetType().GetMethod(invocation.Method.Name).GetParameters().ToList();
for (var index = 0; index < methodParameterSet.Count; index++)
var parameter = methodParameterSet[index];
var paramType = parameter.ParameterType;
var customAttributes = new List<object>();
var factoryMethod = factory.GetType().GetMethod("GetService");
var baseValidatorType = typeof(IValidator<>);
var validatorType = baseValidatorType.MakeGenericType(paramType);
factoryMethod = factoryMethod.MakeGenericMethod(validatorType);
var validator = factoryMethod.Invoke(factory, null);
customAttributes.AddRange(parameter.GetCustomAttributes(true).Where(item => item.GetType().Name.StartsWith("Validate")));
foreach (var attr in customAttributes)
dynamic attribute = attr;
var method = validator.GetType().GetMethod("Validate");
method = method.MakeGenericMethod(paramType);
object[] parameterSet = {invocation.Arguments[index], attribute.Rule, attribute.IsNullCheck};
method.Invoke(validator, parameterSet);
and the implementation of IValidator for UserAccount Entity is like this:
public class ValidateUserAccount<T> : IValidator<T> where T : UserAccount
public void Validate<T>(T entity, object obj1 = null, object obj2 = null) where T : class
var item = (UserAccount) Convert.ChangeType(entity, typeof(UserAccount));
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("user account cant be null");
and for string validator:
public class ValidateString : IValidator<string>
public void Validate<T>(T entity, object rukeObj = null, object nullChekcObj = null) where T : class
var item = (string) Convert.ChangeType(entity, typeof(string));
var rule = (Regex)Convert.ChangeType(rukeObj, typeof(Regex));
var reqItem = Convert.ChangeType(nullChekcObj, typeof(bool));
var isRequire = reqItem != null && (bool) reqItem;
if (isRequire && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
throw new ArgumentException("value can not be null!");
if (!rule.Match(item).Success)
throw new ArgumentException("[" + item + "] is not a valid input!");