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How to query current week & current month report by using LINQ to XML?

I am developing window phone 7 application in silverlight. I am new to the silverlight. I am also new to LINQ to XML. In my application the user select the date & submit some transaction details into the application. The details gets stored in XML File. I am using the custom date control in my application for the date selection as follows

        private void DatePicker_ValueChanged(object sender, DateTimeValueChangedEventArgs e)
            AppObj = Application.Current as App;
   = (DateTime)EntryDate.Value;         


Then the value of gets stored in the XML file. Sometimes I use the DateTime.Now to store the date in the XML File. Now I want to generate the report of submitted transaction details by querying through LINQ to XML. I want to generate the report for today's date, current week & current month. For today's date report I am using the following code

public class TransactionList : List<Transaction>
    public void GetTransactionObjects(String strXMLFile, int Currency_ID, int TransactionType_ID)
        XDocument doc = null;
        XMLFileManager XMLDocObj = new XMLFileManager();
        doc = XMLDocObj.LoadXMLFile(strXMLFile);

        DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
        var vTransaction = doc.Descendants("Transaction")
                          .Where(x => ((DateTime)x.Element("Current_Date")).Date == today) 
                          .Where(x => x.Element("TransactionType_ID").Value == TransactionType_ID.ToString())
                          .Where(x => x.Element("Currency_ID").Value == Currency_ID.ToString())                              
                           .Select(x => new Transaction(x));


The Transaction class contains the following constructor.

    public Transaction(XElement xElement)
        Transaction_ID = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("Transaction_ID").Value.ToString());
        TransactionType_ID = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("TransactionType_ID").Value.ToString());
        Alphabet_ID = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("Alphabet_ID").Value.ToString());
        ID = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("ID").Value.ToString());
        SubCategory_ID = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("SubCategory_ID").Value.ToString());
        Item_ID = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("Item_ID").Value.ToString());
        Currency_ID = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("Currency_ID").Value.ToString());
        InputTypeMethod_ID = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("InputTypeMethod_ID").Value.ToString());          
        Principle = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("InputTypeMethod_ID").Value.ToString());
        Interest = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("Interest").Value.ToString());
        ROI = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("InputTypeMethod_ID").Value.ToString());
        Amount = Convert.ToInt32(xElement.Element("Amount").Value.ToString());
        //Current_Date = Convert.ToDateTime(xElement.Element("Current_Date").Value.ToString());
        Current_Date = ((DateTime)xElement.Element("Current_Date")).Date;

In the XML File the value gets stored for date & time. The value gets stored as follows


Look at the node


The date format is yyyy-mm-dd.

Now how should I write the following query to get all the submitted transaction details for current week as well as current month ?

var vTransaction = doc.Descendants("Transaction")
                      .Where(x => ((DateTime)x.Element("Current_Date")).Date == today) 
                      .Where(x => x.Element("TransactionType_ID").Value == TransactionType_ID.ToString())
                      .Where(x => x.Element("Currency_ID").Value == Currency_ID.ToString())                              
                      .Select(x => new Transaction(x));

Can you please provide me any code or link through which I can resolve the above issue ? If I am doing anything wrong then please guide me.


  • The following code will give the current week summary :

    DateTime startDate = DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(-(int)DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek), // prev sunday 00:00
    endDate = startDate.AddDays(7); // next sunday 00:00
    var vTransaction = from x in doc.Descendants("Transaction")
                                   where ((DateTime)x.Element("Current_Date")).Date >= startDate
                                   && ((DateTime)x.Element("Current_Date")).Date < endDate
                                   where x.Element("TransactionType_ID").Value == TransactionType_ID.ToString() 
                                   select new Transaction(x); 

    The Following code will give the current month summary

    int CurrentYear = DateTime.Today.Year;
    int CurrentMonth = DateTime.Today.Month;
    DateTime startDate = new DateTime(CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, 1);
    DateTime endDate = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddMinutes(-1);
    var vTransaction = from x in doc.Descendants("Transaction")
                                       where ((DateTime)x.Element("Current_Date")).Date >= startDate
                                       && ((DateTime)x.Element("Current_Date")).Date < endDate
                                       where x.Element("TransactionType_ID").Value == TransactionType_ID.ToString()
                                       select new Transaction(x);

    OR both the queries can be wriiten for the current week of selected date & current month of selected date as follows

    public void GetCurrentWeekSummary(String strXMLFile, int TransactionType_ID, DateTime selectedDate)
                    XDocument doc = null;
                    XMLFileManager XMLDocObj = new XMLFileManager();
                    doc = XMLDocObj.LoadXMLFile(strXMLFile);
                    DateTime startDate = selectedDate.Date.AddDays(-(int)selectedDate.DayOfWeek), // prev sunday 00:00
                    endDate = startDate.AddDays(7); // next sunday 00:00
                    var vTransaction = from x in doc.Descendants("Transaction")
                               where ((DateTime)x.Element("Current_Date")).Date >= startDate
                               && ((DateTime)x.Element("Current_Date")).Date < endDate
                               where x.Element("TransactionType_ID").Value == TransactionType_ID.ToString() 
                               select new Transaction(x);
    public void GetCurrentMonthSummary(String strXMLFile, int TransactionType_ID, DateTime selectedDate)
                    XDocument doc = null;
                    XMLFileManager XMLDocObj = new XMLFileManager();
                    doc = XMLDocObj.LoadXMLFile(strXMLFile);
                    int CurrentYear = selectedDate.Year;
                    int CurrentMonth = selectedDate.Month;
                    DateTime startDate = new DateTime(CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, 1);
                    DateTime endDate = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddMinutes(-1);
                    var vTransaction = from x in doc.Descendants("Transaction")
                                   where ((DateTime)x.Element("Current_Date")).Date >= startDate
                                   && ((DateTime)x.Element("Current_Date")).Date < endDate
                                   where x.Element("TransactionType_ID").Value == TransactionType_ID.ToString()
                                   select new Transaction(x);