I am trying to make a fast copy of a class instance. cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(),-1)
works fine, almost 5 times faster than copy.deepcopy
, but I read that ujson
is much faster than cPickle
. I could not get ujson to work with a custom class, is it possible to do so?
import cPickle as pickle
import ujson
class AClass(object):
def __init__(self):
self.v = 10
self.z = [2,3,4]
self._zdict = dict(zip(self.z,self.z))
a = AClass()
#<__main__.AClass at 0x118b1d390>
# does not work with ujson
ua = ujson.dumps(a)
au = ujson.loads(ua)
#{u'v': 10, u'z': [2, 3, 4]}
# but works with pickle
pa = pickle.dumps(a)
ap = pickle.loads(pa)
#<__main__.AClass at 0x117460190>
An idea is to define your own protocole, base of the concept described for pickle.
Define a __getstate__
and __setsatte__
instance in your class:
class AClass(object):
def __init__(self, v, z):
self.v = v
self.z = z
self._zdict = dict(zip(self.z, self.z))
def __repr__(self):
return repr({'v': self.v, 'z': self.z, '_zdict': self._zdict})
def __getstate__(self):
return {'v': self.v, 'z': self.z}
def __setstate__(self, state):
self._zdict = dict(zip(self.z, self.z))
Then, you can define a save()
and a load()
function like this:
import importlib
import json
import io
def save(instance, dst_file):
data = {
'module': instance.__class__.__module__,
'class': instance.__class__.__name__,
'state': instance.__getstate__()}
json.dump(data, dst_file)
def load(src_file):
obj = json.load(src_file)
module_name = obj['module']
mod = importlib.import_module(module_name)
cls = getattr(mod, obj['class'])
instance = cls.__new__(cls)
return instance
Simple usage (using a StringIO
here instead of a classic file):
a_class = AClass(10, [2, 3, 4])
my_file = io.StringIO()
save(a_class, my_file)
# -> {"module": "__main__", "class": "AClass", "state": {"v": 10, "z": [2, 3, 4]}}
my_file = io.StringIO(my_file.getvalue())
instance = load(my_file)
# -> {'v': 10, 'z': [2, 3, 4], '_zdict': {2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}}