I want to give custom color in a Pie Chart(using the Charts pod). But for that the array in setColors([NSUIColor]) requires an array of colors in NSUIColor format and I have the hexcode for the colors. How can I implement custom color in the Pie Chart using my hexcode?
My code function:
func pieChartUpdate ()
//future home of pie chart code
let entry1 = PieChartDataEntry(value: Double(10), label: "Morning")
let entry2 = PieChartDataEntry(value: Double(20), label: "Evening")
let entry3 = PieChartDataEntry(value: Double(30), label: "Midday")
let entry4 = PieChartDataEntry(value: Double(40), label: "Before Bed")
let dataSet = PieChartDataSet(values: [entry1, entry2, entry3, entry4], label: "Widget Types")
let data = PieChartData(dataSet: dataSet)
pieChartTime.data = data
pieChartTime.chartDescription?.text = "Share of Widgets by Type"
//All other additions to this function will go here
dataSet.valueColors = [UIColor.black]
//This must stay at end of function
Array of color code:
let TimeColorString = [UIColor.init(hex: "3366cc"),UIColor.init(hex: "ff9900"),UIColor.init(hex: "dc3912"),UIColor.init(hex: "109618")]
And extension I'm using to convert Hexcode into UIColor is:
//To convert hexcode into UI Color
extension UIColor {
convenience init(hex: String) {
let scanner = Scanner(string: hex)
scanner.scanLocation = 0
var rgbValue: UInt64 = 0
let r = (rgbValue & 0xff0000) >> 16
let g = (rgbValue & 0xff00) >> 8
let b = rgbValue & 0xff
red: CGFloat(r) / 0xff,
green: CGFloat(g) / 0xff,
blue: CGFloat(b) / 0xff, alpha: 1
Set the colors like below :
dataSet.colors = TimeColorString
If you want to use setColors, below are the functions from Charts :
open func setColors(_ colors: [NSUIColor], alpha: CGFloat)
open func setColors(_ colors: NSUIColor...)
How to use :
dataSet.setColors(TimeColorString, alpha: 1.0)