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Assembly Stack - Reverse Input and print out

I am trying to solve an exercise I got. The task is, to read 10 integers from the terminal and print them out in reversed order. To do this the stack should be used. I've tried this:

%include ""

segment .data
prompt      db  "Please enter a number: ", 0

segment .text
    global asm_main

    enter   0,0

    mov         ecx, 10         ; for loop counter

    mov         eax, prompt
    call        print_string    ; print prompt
    call        read_int        ; read input
    push        dword eax       ; push input to stack
    loop        for_loop

    mov         ecx, 10         ; set loop counter for output

    pop         eax             ; get last input from stack
    call        print_int
    call        print_nl
    add         esp, 4          ; increment esp for next value to take from stack
    loop        swap_loop

    mov         eax, 0

When I execute the program and enter all the numbers from 1 to 10 successively I get the following result:

                    Should Be:
10                  10
8                   9
6                   8
4                   7
2                   6
-1217249280         5
-1079315368         4
0                   3
-1079315312         2
-1079315336         1


  • Just remove the line add esp, 4.
    The stack pointer is already incremented by pop eax.