I have the following, which fails (0 did not equal 3) and I don't know why. Any thoughts?
class Temp extends MyCirceExtendingClass {
def temp(json: Json) = {
val json = Json.fromString(
| id: 1,
| name: "Robert",
| isEmployee: false,
| otherNames: [
| {
| id: 1,
| otherName: "Rob"
| },
| {
| id: 2,
| otherName: "Bob"
| },
| {
| id: 3,
| otherName: "Robby"
| }
| ]
val response = new Temp().temp(json)
response.size shouldEqual 3
First, Json.fromString
doesn't parse the argument, only wraps it into a Json. Second, your Json string is malformed: field names must be in quotes. After you fix these things, your lens gives correct result:
import cats.implicits._
import io.circe.optics.JsonPath.root
import io.circe.parser.parse
import io.circe.Json
val json = parse(
| "id": 1,
| "name": "Robert",
| "isEmployee": false,
| "otherNames": [
| {
| "id": 1,
| "otherName": "Rob"
| },
| {
| "id": 2,
| "otherName": "Bob"
| },
| {
| "id": 3,
| "otherName": "Robby"
| }
| ]
res1: List[String] = List(Rob, Bob, Robby)