I am new to osgi bundle development. I am developing osgi bundle to run on the ubuntu machine. I want to access shared libraries (.so
file) from osgi bundle. I am generating osgi bundle jar using maven plugin.
I have added .so
in my code like below image
Here is my pom file which generates osgi bundle jar.
javax.net.ssl, javax.net,
<Bundle-ClassPath>libexample.so, .</Bundle-ClassPath>
<Export-Package />
<Require-Capability />
<Embedded-Artifacts />
below code is used to access the method defined in so library
When I run simple java code without osgi, then I can call the .so
library functions successfully. I can get the output fromtest_app.helloWorld();
When I call System.loadLibrary("example");
from osgi bundle from bundle activator I am not getting any Exception
. but when I call the library functions I am getting the exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
This is the generated manifest file from maven plugin
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bnd-LastModified: 1505136984891
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_121
Built-By: Raj Sharma
Bundle-Activator: com.example.ModuleActivator
Bundle-ClassPath: libexample.so, .
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: ExampleModule
Bundle-NativeCode: libexample.so ; osname=linux ; processor=arm
Bundle-SymbolicName: ExampleModule
Bundle-Version: 2.0.5.Release
Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
Embed-StripVersion: true
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework;version="[1.8,2)",javax.net.ssl,javax
Require-Capability: osgi.ee;filter:="(&(osgi.ee=JavaSE)(version=1.8))"
Tool: Bnd-
and this is the generated bundle content
It's fiddly to get to work, but in my experience once you have it in place it is pretty easy to work with.
I'm not too familiar with the Maven config, but are you embedding your native code? It looks like you're addressing an explicit file on the system, don't know if that works well.
So to figure it out:
Bundle-NativeCode: lwjgl32.dll;jemalloc32.dll;osname=Windows; processo
r=x86,lwjgl.dll;jemalloc.dll;osname=Windows; processor=x86-64,liblwjg
l.so;libjemalloc.so;osname=Linux; processor=x86-64,liblwjgl.dylib;lib
jemalloc.dylib;osname=MacOSX; processor=x86-64
Otherwise, please post your MANIFEST file and the layout of your bundle jar.