I'm trying highlight some cells on pivot_table, it depend of the value of the cell. When the value is over a 1000 the background color of the cell should be blue and red in other case.
I'm defining my color function
def color_range(val):
background-color = 'blue' if val > 1000 else 'red'
return 'background-color: %s' % background-color
And then I applied this function to my pivot_table
This code is not working, all cell are white. Maybe is the environment, I work in Jupyter.
is not an inplace operation. Hence, what you see as output is second operation's output i.e df.head()
To see the output of style, you would need to do
However, if you want to see it on only for df.head()
you could two ways
Or, export the style, like
style_bg = df.style.applymap(color_range)
df.head().style.use(style_bg .export())