Search code examples

i have two fields named as created_at and updated_at(timestamps) and i want to search between these dates in my where clause

i want to take input date as a parameter and search between the dates that are given in input.

Theses are the timestamps() provided by laravel to create the two fields as created_at and upated_at.I want to search between these dates that are given in created_at and updated_at but unable to find the data between these dates. Following is the code that i have create

` $startDate = $request->input('created_at');
  $endDate   = $request->input('updated_at');



  • I think whereBetween only accepts 2 parameters. The first being the column name and the second the array with values to test. Check:

    You would want something like:

    ->whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate,$endDate])
    ->whereBetween('updated_at', [$startDate,$endDate])