I have been trying simple image upload using lua and Openresty web framework. I found many solutions like
Using lua-resty-post I got the form data now how do I upload it?
local resty_post = require 'resty.post'
local cjson = require 'cjson'
local post = resty_post:new()
local m = post:read()
As I'm new to lua I don't understand which one to use. My requirement is very simple, I need a file attribute and want to upload on some place like in php move_uploaded_file. Is there any simple way to upload a file?
Found the solution. Using lua-resty-post.
<form action="/uploadimage" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="upload" accept="image/*">
location /uploadimage {
content_by_lua_file image.lua;
local resty_post = require "resty.post"
local post = resty_post:new({
path = "/my/path", -- path upload file will be saved
name = function(name, field) -- overide name with user defined function
return name.."_"..field
local m = post:read()