How do I emulate linux's | (pipe) in a node.js app to pipe the stdout
of a command to the stdin
of the next command. Both commands are being spawned with spawnSync
This (pseudo code) works as expected in the commandline:
$ command1 -arg1 file | command2 arg2
> someoutput
But this does not:
const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync;
const c1Spawn = spawnSync('command1', ['arg1', 'file']);
const c2Spawn = spawnSync('command2', ['arg2'], { input: c1Spawn.output });
const someoutput = c2Spawn.output;
I believe I found the answer by using input: c1Spawn.stdout
instead of output as the in for the second command.
const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync;
const c1Spawn = spawnSync('command1', ['arg1', 'file']);
const c2Spawn = spawnSync('command2', ['arg2'], { input: c1Spawn.stdout });
const someoutput = c2Spawn.output;