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What is a "matched element" in Live Query?

I know, from one of the comments I was reading at Is livequery deprecated, "livequery is dead." However, I need to study it in order to upgrade some legacy code that I received.

I was reading the Live Query official documentation at, and it talks about "firing callbacks for matched elements". What is a "matched element"? I understand the concept of events, but I am not sure what a "matched element" is. Matched by whom or by what? They provide the following example:

// use the helper function hover to bind a mouseover and mouseout event 
        .hover(function() { 
        }, function() { 
}, function() { 
    // unbind the mouseover and mouseout events 

This is the jQuery selector: $('li'). The documentation at says that "Live Query fires a function (callback) when it matches a new element." What does it mean to "match an element" in this context? Thank you.


  • From what I understand, after reading, using as an example the code in my question, the page is loaded entirely. After that, when a new 'li' element is added to the DOM, that would be a "matched element" because it matches the 'li' element specified in the jQuery selector.