I would like to get name from full email address and tried htmlentities and html_entity_decode but special character <
and >
gives issue to get the name. As full email address is coming from array (key-value) not as a string.
[ENV_MAIL] => "Project Bribara<project.bribara@gmail.com";
// Project email
$environment['ENV_MAIL'] = "Project Bribara<project.bribara@gmail.com";
$projectEmail = $environment['ENV_MAIL'];
echo $projectEmail ;
$projectName = explode("@", htmlentities($adminEmail));
echo html_entity_decode($projectName);
"Project Bribara"
"Project Bribara<project.bribara
How can I get the output as per expected?
There are a few ways that you can tackle this issue: (Demo Link)
The reason that all of the other answers fail is because you have misrepresented your input string. Your actual input string contains <
which is the html entity for <
. My methods below will clarify this point to future SO readers and help you to select the best approach for your project.
$environment['ENV_MAIL']="Project Bribara<project.bribara@gmail.com";
// ^^^^ html entity causing you trouble
$decoded_string=html_entity_decode($environment['ENV_MAIL']); // convert "<" to "<"
var_export(explode('<',$decoded_string)); // generate an array of the two parts for future access
echo "\n\n";
echo "Project Name = ",strstr($decoded_string,'<',true); // use strstr on < of decoded string with "true" param
echo "\n\n";
echo "Project Email = ",substr($decoded_string,strpos($decoded_string,'<')+1); // use substr&strpos on <
echo "\n\n";
// or less potentially damaging to your input string...
array (
0 => 'Project Bribara',
1 => 'project.bribara@gmail.com',
Project Name = Project Bribara
Project Email = project.bribara@gmail.com
array (
0 => 'Project Bribara',
1 => 'project.bribara@gmail.com',