I've found a work around solution to a question I posted based on @Ryan's recommendation, given by this code:
for (i in seq_along(url)){
webpage <- read_html(url[i]) #loop through URL list to access html data
fac_data <- html_nodes(webpage,'.tableunder') %>% html_text()
fac_data1 <- html_nodes(webpage,'.tableunder1') %>% html_text()
fac_data <- c(fac_data, fac_data1) #Store table data on each URL in a variable
x <- fac_data %>% matrix(ncol = length(headers[[i]]), byrow=TRUE) #make matrix to extract column data
for (j in seq_along(headers[[i]])){
y <- cbind(x[,j]) #extract column data and store in temporary variable
colnames(y) <- as.character(headers[[i]][j]) #add column name
print(cbind(y)) #loop through headers list to print column data in sequence. ** cbind(y) will be overwritten when I try to store the result on a list with 'z <- cbind(y)'.
I am now able to print out all values, complete with headers of the data in question.
Some follow-up questions will be:
How do I save the output of cbind(y) cumulatively in a data.frame or a list? Looping through cbind(y) will overwrite values, which leaves me with only the last column from the last table. Like this:
[1,] "82年8月"
Neither do these variations work:
z[[x]][j] <- cbind(y)
> source('~/Google 云端硬盘/R/scrapeFaculty.R')
Error in `*tmp*`[[x]] : 最多只能選擇一個元素
z[j] <- cbind(y)
> source('~/Google 云端硬盘/R/scrapeFaculty.R')
There were 13 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
z[[j]] <- cbind(y)
> source('~/Google 云端硬盘/R/scrapeFaculty.R')
Error in z[[j]] <- cbind(y) : 用來替換的元素比所要替換的值多
Here's the final code I used to solve this:
for (i in seq_along(url)){
webpage <- read_html(url[i])
fac_data <- html_nodes(webpage,'.tableunder') %>% html_text()
fac_data1 <- html_nodes(webpage,'.tableunder1') %>% html_text()
fac_data <- c(fac_data, fac_data1)
x <- fac_data %>% matrix(ncol = length(headers[[i]]), byrow=TRUE) #make matrix to extract column data
y <- cbind(x[,1:length(headers[[i]])]) #extract column data
colnames(y)<- as.character(headers[[i]]) #add colunm name
ntu.hist[[i]] <- y #Cumulate results on a list.
I was wondering if it would be an option to cbind multiple at one time instead of looping. Would any of these syntax options help?
y <– data.frame(col1=c(1:3),col2=c(4:6),col3=c(7:9))
col1 col2 col3
1 1 4 7
2 2 5 8
3 3 6 9
#In R, you can use ":" to specify a range. So 1,2,3,4 is equal to 1:4.
#If you don't want number 3 in that range, you can use c(1,2,4).
#For example:
col1 col3
1 1 7
2 2 8
3 3 9