Given a matrix M of dimensions nxn, how can I compute a low rank factorization such that M = L.T * L, where L is of dimensions kxn. So far I've only seen this done using SVD, which isn't exactly what I want because the method gives me M = USV, and U.T != S*V, as opposed to (L.T).T == L.
Another alternative could be to use some form of optimization to find L, however it isn't straightforward because I've already tried several optimization methods from SciPy with the difference M - L.T * L under the frobenius norm, and so far I haven't been successful.
Edit: I forgot to add that by using scikit's Non-Negative Matrix Factorization class I'm able to achieve this partially by passing L and L.T as candidate matrices for the optimization. However, my matrix M is not non-negative, therefore this method doesn't work for me.
The answer depends on what you know about the matrix.
If the matrix is positive semidefinite, you could use Cholesky Factorization, use pivoting for stability.
Under other assumptions, a solution may not exist.
An example where a solution may not exist, there is no solution for the following matrix:
[[0, 1],
[0, 0]]
Proof: Assume the answer exists. Then the solution looks like:
L = [[a, b],
[c, d]]
So the following must be True:
a*a + b*c == 0
d*d + b*c == 0
c * (a+d) == 0
b * (a+d) == 1
According to 3. (c == 0) or ((a+d) == 0)
If c == 0
, then according to 1. and 2. a == 0
and d == 0
. If this is true, then (a+d) == 0
which makes 4. impossible.
If (a+d) == 0
then 4. is impossible.
By contradiction we know that there cannot be a decomposition you ask for with this matrix.