Search code examples

Using JSON arrays in SenseNet settings

If JSON arrays are used in a SenseNet settings object, they are not accessible via the OData API.

For example, consider the following SenseNet settings object, which comes installed at Root/System/Settings/Portal.settings by default:

    ClientCacheHeaders: [
        { ContentType: "PreviewImage", MaxAge: 1 },
        { Extension: "jpeg", MaxAge: 604800 },
        { Extension: "gif", MaxAge: 604800 },
        { Extension: "jpg", MaxAge: 604800 },
        { Extension: "png", MaxAge: 604800 },
        { Extension: "swf", MaxAge: 604800 },
        { Extension: "css", MaxAge: 600 },
        { Extension: "js", MaxAge: 600 }
    UploadFileExtensions: {
        "jpg": "Image",
        "jpeg": "Image",
        "gif": "Image",
        "png": "Image",
        "bmp": "Image",
        "svg": "Image",
        "svgz": "Image",
        "tif": "Image",
        "tiff": "Image",
        "xaml": "WorkflowDefinition",
        "DefaultContentType": "File"
    BinaryHandlerClientCacheMaxAge: 600,
    PermittedAppsWithoutOpenPermission: "Details"

When viewing this object through the OData API, the ClientCacheHeaders field is not included:

    "d": {
        "UploadFileExtensions.jpg": "Image",
        "UploadFileExtensions.jpeg": "Image",
        "UploadFileExtensions.gif": "Image",
        "UploadFileExtensions.png": "Image",
        "UploadFileExtensions.bmp": "Image",
        "UploadFileExtensions.svg": "Image",
        "UploadFileExtensions.svgz": "Image",
        "UploadFileExtensions.tif": "Image",
        "UploadFileExtensions.tiff": "Image",
        "UploadFileExtensions.xaml": "WorkflowDefinition",
        "UploadFileExtensions.DefaultContentType": "File",
        "BinaryHandlerClientCacheMaxAge": 600,
        "PermittedAppsWithoutOpenPermission": "Details",

If you search specifically for the ClientCacheHeaders field using the following query:


the API returns null:

    "d": {
        "ClientCacheHeaders": null

I know that JSON arrays are allowed in settings files because the above example is referenced in the SenseNet wiki page describing settings usage.

Am I performing my OData query incorrectly, or is this some sort of parsing bug in the SenseNet API?


  • Here's an implementation of the custom OData function suggested by Miklos. Once this is done, you have to register the OData call as described here.

    public static class OData
        public static string GetMySettings(Content content)
            var retstr = "";
                var settingsFile = Settings.GetSettingsByName<Settings>("MySettings", content.Path);
                var node = Node.LoadNode(settingsFile.Path) as Settings;
                var bindata = node.GetBinary("Binary");
                using (var sr = bindata.GetStream())
                using (var tr = new System.IO.StreamReader(sr))
                    retstr = tr.ReadToEnd();
            catch (Exception e)
            return retstr; 