I have something like
semantic_form_for @whatever, :url => whatever_url
which generates a from with
I need it to be put, I've already tried:
semantic_form_for @whatever, :url => whatever_url, :html => {:method => "put"}
semantic_form_for @whatever, :url => whatever_url, :html => {:method => :put}
semantic_form_for @whatever, :url => whatever_url, :html_args => {:method => :put}
with no effect. Any ideas how it's done?
Is it generating a form that looks something like this?
<form action="..." method="POST"> ...
If so, then it's probably still creating a PUT request. Rails determines the POST, PUT or DELETE request by using the _method attribute instead. The best way to verify that this is working is to check your logs to see that a PUT request is coming through. You can also force this to happen by adding a hidden attribute to your form like this:
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put" />