Is there anything immediately wrong with this response that would cause it to be “invalid”?
"type": "AudioPlayer.Play",
"playBehavior": "string",
"audioItem": {
"stream": {
"url": "",
"token": "thisisanaudiotoken",
"expectedPreviousToken": "string",
"offsetInMilliseconds": 0
It should just begin streaming the .mp3
There is nothing wrong with the response but audio should be encoded to specific format for Alexa to play it. Please convert your audio using below command,
ffmpeg -i <input-file> -ac 2 -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 48k -ar 16000 <output-file.mp3>
You can download 'ffmpeg ' from
If you are using windows CD to the bin folder of ffmeg before run above command.