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Alexa Audio Streaming

Is there anything immediately wrong with this response that would cause it to be “invalid”?

      "type": "AudioPlayer.Play",
      "playBehavior": "string",
      "audioItem": {
        "stream": {
          "url": "",
          "token": "thisisanaudiotoken",
          "expectedPreviousToken": "string",
          "offsetInMilliseconds": 0

It should just begin streaming the .mp3


  • There is nothing wrong with the response but audio should be encoded to specific format for Alexa to play it. Please convert your audio using below command,

    ffmpeg -i <input-file> -ac 2 -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 48k -ar 16000 <output-file.mp3>

    You can download 'ffmpeg ' from

    If you are using windows CD to the bin folder of ffmeg before run above command.