In my app, I want to allow the user to give me a Display Name when they register, but if they don't give me one, I want to create one using their first name and last initial.
This appeared to me to somewhat fit the computed property paradigm, but not exactly. I tried to do this in my class:
var displayName: String {
get {
if (!self.displayName.isEmpty) {
return self.displayName
else {
let index = self.lastName.index((self.lastName.startIndex), offsetBy: 1)
return self.firstName + " " + self.lastName.substring(to: index)
set(displayName) {
self.displayName = displayName
But it crashed in several different places. Is this a correct situation for a computed property, or should I just create a regular property and check for displayName.isEmpty and set it to firstname.lastinitial if that is the case?
Thanx in advance.
Your app crashes for a loop issue.
On your get you have:
if (!self.displayName.isEmpty) {
return self.displayName
I suggest you a solution like this:
class User {
private var compoundName: String
var displayName: String {
get {
guard !self.compoundName.isEmpty else {
return self.compoundName
if let firstLastNameChar = self.lastName.characters.first {
return return "\(self.firstName) \(firstLastNameChar)"
return self.firstName
set(displayName) {
self.compoundName = displayName