I am using OS Ubuntu 16.0.4 and i installed minikube on it. I need to copy some files to minikube, so how can i do that? I tried next command but it asked me on password and i don't know it
scp /media/myuser/sourceFolder [email protected]:/home/docker/destiationFolder
Note: minikube IP is, and i used docker as default user for minikube but actually i don't know if it correct ot not.
So what is the default username and password for minikube and how can i copy files from my local machine into minikube?
Thanks :)
I handled it by following next steps:
1- going into ssh of minikube >> minikube ssh
2- Changing docker password using sudo >> sudo passwd docker
and create new password so now i know docker user password
3- exit from ssh and go back to Ubuntu terminal >> exit
4- using scp command to copy files into minikube >> scp /local/path/to/file/ docker@minikubeIp:/your/destination/folder/
For example scp -r /media/myuser/sourceFolder [email protected]:/home/docker
and after that it asked only for minikube docker user password which i know it now after changed it then write password and folders copied successfully into minikube from local machine