thanks for helping out
I currently face some issues while working on a .bat file that deletes the Internet Explorer 11 cache specifically for this three files:
Currently I use the code attached, but it deletes all files in the cache (OS = Windows 10):
@echo off
set DataDir=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Intern~1\
del /q /s /f "%DataDir%"
rd /s /q "%DataDir%"
set History=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History
del /q /s /f "%History%"
rd /s /q "%History%"
set IETemp=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Tempor~1
del /q /s /f "%IETemp%"
rd /s /q "%IETemp%"
set Cookies=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies
del /q /s /f "%Cookies%"
rd /s /q "%Cookies%"
C:\bin\regdelete.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USER "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs"
The following batch script will loop through the 4 folders you provide and search for all three files (see how to loop through arrays in batch) in all subdirectories (dir /b /s /a:-d "%%~f"
If the script is fine for you remove the echo
in front of the del
@echo off
set "filesDel[0]=Analytics.swf"
set "filesDel[1]=Deal.swf"
set "filesDel[2]=Pricing.swf"
set "dirDel[0]=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Intern~1"
set "dirDel[1]=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\History"
set "dirDel[2]=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Tempor~1"
set "dirDel[3]=%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies"
rem loop over all directories defined in dirDel array
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%d in ('set dirDel[') do (
if exist "%%~d" (
pushd "%%~d"
rem loop over all files defined in filedDel array
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%f in ('set filesDel[') do (
rem search for file and delete it
for /f "tokens=*" %%g in ('dir /b /s /a:-d "%%~f"') do (
echo del /f "%%~g"
Note that I use the quotes in the set
command like: set "name=content"
, this allows spaces in the path name without having the quotes in the variable content itself.
Command reference links from