Due to some requirement, I need to show Image with label in radio button list.
I searched How to insert an Image List into a radioButtonList?. And, incorporated the changes.
$model->pay_type = 1;
echo $form->field($model, 'pay_type')->radioList($model->paymentOptionRadioButtonList())->label(false);
public function paymentOptionRadioButtonList(){
$payment_options = $params->payment_type;
foreach($payment_options as $key => $val){
$payment_options[$key] = $val.yii\helpers\Html::img('www.dummy.com/'.'company-default-logo.jpg');
return $payment_options;
Instead of showing image, It's showing <img src="www.dummy.com/company-default-logo.jpg" alt="">
Is there any parameters I need to pass in radio button list to show image?
You should disable encode
option for radioList to show raw HTML.
echo $form->field($model, 'pay_type')->radioList($model->paymentOptionRadioButtonList(), ['encode' => false])->label(false);
More info here: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-helpers-basehtml.html#radioList()-detail