I have program to display data in a uitable
data_plat = load('Data_Plat.mat');
Database_All = data_plat.Database_All;
data2 = table2cell(Database_All(strcmpi(Database_All.Plat, final_output), ...
{'Plat', 'Nama', 'Jurusan', 'Status'}));
set(handles.uitable1, 'Data', data2);
is a number computed by the program which always changes because the program is processing video.
How can I invoke this code repeatedly such that data is added to the table without erasing (or replicating) what's already there?
I believe you're looking for the union
Try changing the last line of your code to this:
handles.uitable1.Data = union(handles.uitable1.Data, data2);