I want to display some li tags only if the strings received from the model contains text. Right now my list looks like this:
ul class="ul-with-bullets">
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
if (@Model.GetValue("punkt" + i) != "")
<li>@Model.GetValue("punkt" + i)</li>
The Model contains 5 properties (punkt1, punkt2, etc.), and I only want to display a li tag for these that contain a value (string). My above code still displays all the li tags on the page. I tried using string.Empty instead of "" as well but with the same result.
For reference, this is a partial view for the Archetype property editor in Umbraco. Each property in the fieldset is a textstring.
Use the String.IsNullOrEmpty()
<ul class="ul-with-bullets">
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty( @Model.GetValue("punkt" + i)))
<li>@Model.GetValue("punkt" + i)</li>