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testing mdx query with parameters in SSAS

I'd like to test a MDX query in SSAS. I did the following steps until now.

  1. I opened the SQL Profiler and ran the SSRS report
  2. I found the query I needed (with parameter values) and selected it sql profiler
  3. I pasted the code in ssas
  4. Since my SSRS MDX query used StrToMember and StrToSet functions, I surrounded the parameter values with quotes, e.g. “[Measures].[Return On Average Assets]”.

The query

    [Measures].[Broj Pristapi]
   ,[Measures].[Broj Nalozi]
  } ON 0
      StrToSet("[Dim Ucesnici].[Naziv Ucesnik].&;[owiefwjhoef]")
        [Dim Ucesnici].[Naziv Ucesnik].&[kihebrgk]
       ,[Dim Ucesnici].[Name].&[blablabla]
    ("{ [Dim Web Service Web Method].[Web Service].&;[wsINAPBan],
        [Dim Web Service Web Method].[Web Service].&;[wsNAPSBan] }"
    ("{ [Dim Web Service Web Method].[Web Method].[All]
       ,[Dim Web Service Web Method].[Web Method].&;[funNN_loadPP30Ban]
       ,[Dim Web Service Web Method].[Web Method].&;[funNN_loadPP50Ban]}"
        StrToMember("[Dim Datumi].[Datum ID].&;[20170801]")
        StrToMember("[Dim Datumi].[Datum ID].&;[20170906]")
    StrToSet("[Dim Ucesnici].[Opis Tip Ucesnik].&;[Bank]") ON 1
        [Dim Date].[Date].Children*
        [Dim Date].[Month].Children*
        [Dim Date].[MonthName].Children
    } ON 2
  1. I commented out the rest of the lines and just left the mdx query 6.When I ran the query it gave me an error "An MDX expression was expected while a full statement was specified."

I followed the following tutorial for my mdx testing

Any idea what the problem might be?


  • Are you really using this in your member names? .&;[ ....the semi-colon is reserved for the end of mdx statements. Please take out all the semi-colons:

        [Measures].[Broj Pristapi]
       ,[Measures].[Broj Nalozi]
      } ON 0
          StrToSet("{[Dim Ucesnici].[Naziv Ucesnik].&[owiefwjhoef]}")
            [Dim Ucesnici].[Naziv Ucesnik].&[kihebrgk]
           ,[Dim Ucesnici].[Name].&[blablabla]
        ("{ [Dim Web Service Web Method].[Web Service].&[wsINAPBan],
            [Dim Web Service Web Method].[Web Service].&[wsNAPSBan] }"
        ("{ [Dim Web Service Web Method].[Web Method].[All]
           ,[Dim Web Service Web Method].[Web Method].&[funNN_loadPP30Ban]
           ,[Dim Web Service Web Method].[Web Method].&[funNN_loadPP50Ban]}"
            StrToMember("[Dim Datumi].[Datum ID].&[20170801]")
            StrToMember("[Dim Datumi].[Datum ID].&[20170906]")
        StrToSet("[Dim Ucesnici].[Opis Tip Ucesnik].&[Bank]") ON 1
     ,NON EMPTY 
            [Dim Date].[Date].Children*
            [Dim Date].[Month].Children*
            [Dim Date].[MonthName].Children
        } ON 2
     FROM [DW];