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React Bootstrap hide tooltip

Is there a way to hide the OverlayTrigger/Tooltip element by default? eg. overlay={ ? <Tooltip>showing</Tooltip> : null} works but throws a warning on console:

The prop overlay is marked as required in OverlayTrigger, but its value is null

Would this be the only way?

{! ? {component} :
 <OverlayTrigger ...>


  • The OverlayTrigger component must have a overlay prop passed. If you don't want the tooltip, you also don't want an overlay to trigger. Hence, you'd want to remove it if is falsy.

      ? <OverlayTrigger overlay={<Tooltip>showing</Tooltip>}>
          <button>Click me!</button>
      : <button>Click me!</button>

    Edit: Yes, the code in your update would be the way to do it.