I am analysing .pcap
files containing Bluetooth traffic.
I am trying to find a flag that is set which ensures that the Bluetooth MAC address of a device is random and/or changes.
I have seen parts of the packets such as this:
.0.. .... = Randomized Tx Address: False
But haven't been able to find much more information on what this does.
Can anyone help?
BR/EDR can only use IEEE-allocated device addresses, they are called "public" addresses. LE introduced another class of addresses, "random" addresses. They are both 48-bit. LE can use both, see Vol 6, Part B, 1.3.
In the space of random addresses, there is another subdivision in three groups:
This enables the privacy features of BLE.
In places where a device address is used in LE, there is always a one-bit field accompagnying a device address for specifying whether address is to be interpreted as a "public" or a "random" address.
Your expert from wireshark seems to come from a LE advertisement packet header, see Vol 6, Part B, 2.3 for packet details.