Say I have a remote page accessed through On that page I use the code Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"].ToString(). Is it possible that when I access the page the code can return a different url than that which I see in the url bar which is Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
You could see any name that IIS has bound to your web instance. So, if your server is called "server1" and the IP address is and all three of those are bound to your instance of IIS, you could see any of those values.
To look up what names are bound, open "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager" (start, Administration tools), expand the tree till you see your sites. Find the one you are using. Right-click and choose "Bindings". Edit each of the bindings in the list. If they all say [IP address:] "All Unassigned", then your HTTP_HOST could be 1. the WWW address that you have configured via DNS, 2. the machine name 3. the IP address(es).