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How to reduce the size of RHEL/Centos/Fedora Docker image

The base image from Red Hat is quite small, on the order of 196M for RHEL 7.4. However it tends to be missing a lot of the bits and pieces that are required by the products I want to build new images for.

The moment I do a "yum install Xxx" on top of it the image size blows out to by +500M-800M.

Is there a way to reduce the size of the image?


  • Yes Docker image sizes can be dramatically reduced by doing a "yum clean all"

    Initial RHEL Image Size = 196M

    Dockerfile - RHEL Image(+bc) = 505M

    # Build command
    # docker build -t rhel7base:latest --build-arg REG_USER='<redhat_developer_user>' --build-arg REG_PSWD='<password>' --squash .
    LABEL maintainer="tim"
    ARG REG_USER=none
    ARG REG_PSWD=none
    RUN subscription-manager register --username $REG_USER --password $REG_PSWD --auto-attach && \
        subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms && \
        yum install -y bc

    Dockerfile - RHEL Image(+bc) with "yum clean all" = 207M saving 298M

    # Build command
    # docker build -t rhel7base:latest --build-arg REG_USER='<redhat_developer_user>' --build-arg REG_PSWD='<password>' --squash .
    LABEL maintainer="tim"
    ARG REG_USER=none
    ARG REG_PSWD=none
    RUN subscription-manager register --username $REG_USER --password $REG_PSWD --auto-attach && \
        subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms && \
        yum install -y bc && \
        yum clean all && \
        rm -rf /var/cache/yum

    NOTE: The --squash option comes as an experimental flag in the latest version of Docker. It compresses the layered file system into a single new layer

    I found the solution of using "yum clean all" at

    The addition of "rm -rf /var/cache/yum" comes from the suggestion in the output of the "yum clean all"