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Navigate to a different route programmatically

I have a usecase where I have a list of elements inside some component similar to vanilla html select. I want, when user clicks on any of the element inside list, route should change. Can I use some regex while defining route and change route by using some API method from react router, onValueChange event of select?

Example Root route: / List Data: Cat, Dog, Elephant

When someone clicks on Cat I want him to get navigated to /Cat, similarly /Dog, /Elephant.


  • So after talking about it for a bit. figured out what you were wanting to do.

    you need to define a new route in react-router that you can use for this history change.. something like this:

    <Route exact path="/:name" component={SomeComponent} /> 

    in your component you have access to this "name" via

    you can also call an action to update the store before updating this route

    Note: if you stay with v2... You should make your actions return a promise, so that you can just chain the event in your component. aka:

    handleChange = (value) => { // assuming you have the value here.. it may be e is the function param and you get the value as
        this.props.saveSelectedAnimal(value).then( () => {