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Robot framework Wait until page does not contain takes 15 seconds

I'm trying to use the Robot Framewrok function Wait Until Page Does Not Contain, but no matter what timeout i set - it always waits for 15 seconds. With function Page should not contain it's even worse - 30 seconds.

For example

Wait Until Page Does Not Contain     x     5s

When function fails it says: The text x didn't disappear in 5 seconds. But it takes 15 seconds to finish

I've tried with Set selenium timeout and written something like this

Wait until page doesnt contain
    [Arguments]    ${text}
    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     2s      1s      page should not contain     ${text}

But it always takes longer than expected

Where's the problem?


  • I managed to omit this problem by writing keyword

    Page shouldnt contain
        [Arguments]    ${text}
        ${pageSource} =  get source
        should not contain  ${pageSource}   ${text}

    Easy, but not so obvious