I'm trying to use the Robot Framewrok function Wait Until Page Does Not Contain, but no matter what timeout i set - it always waits for 15 seconds. With function Page should not contain it's even worse - 30 seconds.
For example
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain x 5s
When function fails it says: The text x didn't disappear in 5 seconds. But it takes 15 seconds to finish
I've tried with Set selenium timeout and written something like this
Wait until page doesnt contain
[Arguments] ${text}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2s 1s page should not contain ${text}
But it always takes longer than expected
Where's the problem?
I managed to omit this problem by writing keyword
Page shouldnt contain
[Arguments] ${text}
${pageSource} = get source
should not contain ${pageSource} ${text}
Easy, but not so obvious