Using a csv imported using a pandas dataframe, I am trying to search one column of the df for entries similar to a user generated input. Never used difflib before and my tries have ended in a TypeError: object of type 'float' has no len() or an empty [] list.
import difflib
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("Vendorlist.csv", encoding= "ISO-8859-1")
word = input ("Enter a vendor: ")
def find_it(w):
w = w.lower()
return difflib.get_close_matches(w, df.vendorname, n=50, cutoff=.6)
alternatives = find_it(word)
print (alternatives)
The error seems to occur at "return.difflib.get_close_matches(w, df.vendorname, n=50, cutoff=.6)"
Am attempting to get similar results to "word" with a column called 'vendorname'.
Help is greatly appreciated.
Your column vendorname
is of the incorrect type.
Try in your return statement:
return difflib.get_close_matches(w, df.vendorname.astype(str), n=50, cutoff=.6)
import difflib
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("Vendorlist.csv", encoding= "ISO-8859-1")
word = input ("Enter a vendor: ")
def find_it(w):
w = w.lower()
return difflib.get_close_matches(w, df.vendorname.astype(str), n=50, cutoff=.6)
alternatives = find_it(word)
print (alternatives)
As stated in the comments by @johnchase
The question also mentions the return of an empty list. The return of get_close_matches is a list of matches, if no item matched within the cutoff an empty list will be returned – johnchase