Hello I'm making a web app using vuex and vue idb. In one of my view I have a table with filter fields. My data are stored using vue-idb and filter fields call applyFilter methods function using the input text box event and the header name of the column's cell
Here is my html
...some html
<!--columns filters-->
<td v-if='shownHeaders.length > 0'>
<input type='checkbox' @change='updateCheckboxList(-1)' :checked='checkAllCheckbox'>
<td v-for='(header,index) in headers' v-if='headers.indexOf(header)>-1'>
<input @keyup="applyFilter(header,$event )" :disabled="thinking" :placeholder='header +" filter"'>
Here is my component
some code ...
applyFilter (header, e) {
// apply filter after enter key has been pressed
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
console.log('Filtering column ' + header + ' with ' + e.target.value)
// not working unsing dynamical variable, but it does while using static variable like uid
store.dispatch('tasksSetFilter', {header: e.target.value}) // this doesn't works
// store.dispatch('tasksSetFilter', {id: e.target.value}) // this works
My issue is that I'm unable to use header variable (a string) as key of dict passed with tasksSetFilter, but if I replace it by a variable having the same name it works.
Is there a way to transform string to variable name to solve my problem?
Try this:
store.dispatch('tasksSetFilter', {[header]: e.target.value})
What this syntax does is set the parameter to an object where the key will be whatever the value of header
is. This is a newer syntax that came about with ES2015.
If you could not support ES2015, you could build the parameter this way:
let filter = {}
filter[header] = e.target.value
store.dispatch('tasksSetFilter', filter)