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Shell scripting - cut all the strings of a specific keyword in a file

I'm trying to make a script that takes in a log file where each line consists of a name + >tab< + runtime (number), like this:

calloffice      14
name    15
other   16
CallOffice      18

What i want to do is to find all lines that match a given name and then add together the runtime numbers.

So i started with getting them to print out in the first place. But my script should be able to search for a keyword in the logg file and get all the different runtimes from ONLY that keyword, now I get the runtime from ALL the numbers instead of only the keywords runtime.

this is what i have done so far:

echo "What is the event?"


while read text
    if grep "$text" hendelse.txt; then

    $text | cut -f2 -d$'\t' hendelse.txt

    echo "text not found"

I know I'm not even near the finish line in the script, but my question was just how do I get the runtime numbers from the specific keyword?


  • Per the original question and bits-n-pieces extracted from OP's comments:

    • there may be more than one matching line in file
    • for all matching lines, add together the runtimes
    • need to use case-insensitive string matching

    Example input file:

    $ cat test.txt
    calloffice      14
    name    15
    other   16
    CallOffice      18

    One possible awk solution:

    BEGIN {total=0}
    tolower($1)==str {total+=$2}
    END {printf "total : %s\n",total}
    • BEGIN {total=0} : initialize our total
    • tolower($1)==str : lower case field #1 (allows for case-insensitive matching), and if equal to our input string str then ...
    • total+=$2 : increment our total by the amount in field #2

    And the awk script in action when passing in a search string of 'calloffice':

    $ awk '
    BEGIN {total=0}
    tolower($1)==str {total+=$2}
    END {printf "%s total : %s\n",str,total}
    ' str="calloffice" test.txt
    calloffice total : 32